
«AGROCOM GROUP» entered the list of 200 Russian biggest private companies according to Forbes magazine


In the list «200 Russian biggest private companies» of Forbes magazine Rostov agroindustrial holding is on 92nd position.

The list is developed annually and arranged according to the volume of income for the previous year. Income of all enterprises of «AGROCOM GROUP» in 2014 amounted to 65, 7 billion RUBLES.

In 2013 the company was on 186th position.

Besides «AGROCOM GROUP» there are three companies from the Rostov region in the list: «Novoshakhtinsk oil products plant» on 128th position, «Yug Rusi»-157th position and «Rostselmash» is on 186th position.

«Agrocom Group» has assets of tobacco and food industry, agricultural sector, package industry, retail trading.«Agrocom Group» incorporates more than 40 enterprises. General number of employees is exceeding 15 thousand people.

The list «200 Russian biggest companies» of Forbes magazine has been developed since 2005. There 200 public and non-public companies of Russia representing different branches of economy, with a government take not exceeding 50%.

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